Having Fun Making Others Bad

by Professor Charles Behling Learning as Leadership’s new booklet “Making Others Good: The Crucial Tool for Transforming Dysfunction in Your Organization” has been getting entirely too much buzz lately, and that must stop. Its author, ...

How to Leverage a New Insight

By Jonathan London If you’re in a leadership position in almost any organization, chances are you’ve attended your fair share of leadership development and teambuilding retreats. It’s not always easy to pry ourselves away from the ...

Repairing Broken Trust on a Team

By Laura Gates I often hear similar reasons from leadership teams from very different organizations for why they can’t accomplish the work they’ve set out to do together: 1.    I can’t trust “so and so.”  And when I ask, “Well, did you ...

What does my childhood have to do with my leadership?

By Shayne Hughes “That’s just the way he is.” How many times have you heard or uttered that phrase? John is a risk-averse CFO, unwilling to make a decision without all the facts. Linda, in operations, is conflict-averse; everyone knows ...

Finding Your Groove in Giving Performance Reviews

By Filaree Radich “It’s that time again. Ugh.” In a recent coaching call, one of my clients expressed a familiar dissatisfaction. It was performance review time, and he had several performance reviews to prepare. He was concerned that ...

Owning Mistakes Allows New Possibilities

By Shayne Hughes, CEO, Learning as Leadership “You don’t think I’m embarrassed having my wings clipped?!” Bill’s voice cracked as he spoke to the executive team. “Coming in here every day, knowing what I did?” The team fell silent as ...

Radio (NPR): Is technology interfering with your relationships?

  Listen to LaL President Shayne Hughes tell NPR’s Rachel Martin on Weekend Edition how technology impacts relationships and about his experiment banning internal email at LaL for a week.

Setting Limits to Others’ Anger

This blog post is the second in a series on anger. The previous post, “Damn, I just lost my temper again” delved into the difficulties of mastering our own anger. Below, I explore setting limits when others get angry with us or around ...

The Secret to Giving Transformational Feedback

Recently while I was collecting feedback from a colleague of a client as part of an in-depth 360º assessment, I was struck by something rare: The opinions she shared were unusually direct, detailed and thoughtful, yet clearly coming ...

The Power of Vulnerability

LaL executive coach Marc-Andre Olivier explores the power we gain by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in the workplace. It was the standard CEO kick-off speech launching our WeLead training program. My client (the CEO) came in and ...