Repairing Broken Trust on a Team

By Laura Gates I often hear similar reasons from leadership teams from very different organizations for why they can’t accomplish the work they’ve set out to do together: 1.    I can’t trust “so and so.”  And when I ask, “Well, did you ...

Vulnerability Does Not Equal Weakness

I work with many clients who had to be tough to succeed. Whether they’ve had to overcome challenging life circumstances to get where they are or they grew up in a “normal” household, many people I coach did not become successful by ...

The Courage to Lead Culture Change

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker   Creating change is an act of courage. In this month’s issue of Fortune magazine, former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz is quoted saying to incumbent CEO Marissa Mayer, faced with ...

What Happened to Summer Vacation?

I’m noticing a disturbing trend among my clients. Several I spoke to recently had not taken a single day off the entire summer. Nada. These are high-level leaders, with plenty of “use it or lose it” vacation time banked. Technically ...

Overcoming Ego Obstacles to Mentoring Others (Part II)

This week we dive deeper into the ways in which you as a leader may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself when it comes to developing your employees and transform you into a mentor who your employees will clamor for! In my previous post ...

Overcoming Ego Obstacles to Mentoring Others

I’ve coached hundreds of leaders, almost all of whom tell me they need to do a better job mentoring and developing the people who work for them. The problem is, that despite their desire to mentor, they often don’t feel they can invest ...

The ROI of Leadership – 3 Steps to Measuring Your Worth as a Leader

How do you measure your worth as a leader? I coach a lot of leaders who express concerns that they don’t know how to measure their contributions to the organization and their people. They worry they’ve become one of “those” people at ...

The Six Lies Leaders Tell Themselves to Avoid Giving Feedback

As a leadership coach and trainer, I hear tons of reasons why people don’t give direct feedback. What we don’t realize is the cost of NOT providing honest feedback to the people who work for us. Like the 55-year-old ...

Who Defines Strategic?

When asked to step up to the next level and be more strategic, many managers worry because they often don’t know what that means, how to do it or what it looks like. They’re intimidated by an image in their minds of visionaries like ...

Ego Hijacking!

Late one night last week, an executive whom I coach sent out an irate email. The following morning as he logged on to find a flurry of “reply all’s” flying around the corporate space in response, he came to regret his ...