The Power of WeLead to Change Organizational Culture

A culture of authenticity, inspiration and ego-free relationships will inspire your people to take risks, go the extra mile and surpass performance expectations. Time and again, we have seen how grateful people are when leaders create ...

The Power of Vulnerability

LaL executive coach Marc-Andre Olivier explores the power we gain by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in the workplace. It was the standard CEO kick-off speech launching our WeLead training program. My client (the CEO) came in and ...

Getting Beneath Anger With Self-Awareness

In my last blog post on the brain and its impact on our behavior, I highlighted the gap that exists between what is happening and how we can perceive that as a threat. In this post, I want to focus on the power that awareness has to ...

The Brain Chemistry of Perceived Threats

In my last post on the brain, I covered three important parts of our brain and the various roles they play in our responses to sensory input. In this post, I want to look at how perceived threats impact our behavior. I was coaching an ...

Do You Know These Three Different Parts Of Your Brain?

There are more neurons in our brains than stars in the Milky Way, and nobody fully understands how our brains really work. Still, as the statistician George E. P. Box wrote, “all models are wrong, but some are useful.” So, ...