Multitasking: Public Enemy #1 of the Strategic Leader

Do you ever come to the end of a work day feeling spent, aware you’ve been slammed all day, putting out fires, responding to near-incessant demands, but still wonder what you really accomplished? You’re not alone. In “Multitasking: ...

What does neuroscience have to say about hot buttons? A LOT!

Longtime LaL senior executive coach, culture change partner and facilitator Carole Levy — our cartoonist-in-residence — shares her unique perspective on the neuroscience of the birth and nurturing of our ego’s hot buttons in her ...

3 Leadership Dysfunctions That Could Be Costing You Millions

Brandon Black, the former CEO of Encore Capital, was a client of LaL’s for several years while he struggled to grow the company in a challenging industry — debt collection. Brandon teamed up with his coach, LaL President Shayne Hughes, ...

What Male Leaders Desperately Want

Learning as Leadership’s work is more than just teaching executives to be effective in their leadership, or to build high-performing teams and cultures. It’s about supporting men and women in positions of weighty responsibility ...

We are Links in a Chain

By Noah Nuer, Chairman, LaL A CEO who was attending the first seminar in our 4-Mastery program shared with me his quandary: Over the course of his career, he had worked with many outstanding individual contributors, but he wasn’t sure ...

What does my childhood have to do with my leadership?

By Shayne Hughes “That’s just the way he is.” How many times have you heard or uttered that phrase? John is a risk-averse CFO, unwilling to make a decision without all the facts. Linda, in operations, is conflict-averse; everyone knows ...

Vulnerability Does Not Equal Weakness

I work with many clients who had to be tough to succeed. Whether they’ve had to overcome challenging life circumstances to get where they are or they grew up in a “normal” household, many people I coach did not become successful by ...

The Secret to Giving Transformational Feedback

Recently while I was collecting feedback from a colleague of a client as part of an in-depth 360º assessment, I was struck by something rare: The opinions she shared were unusually direct, detailed and thoughtful, yet clearly coming ...

The Courage to Lead Culture Change

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker   Creating change is an act of courage. In this month’s issue of Fortune magazine, former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz is quoted saying to incumbent CEO Marissa Mayer, faced with ...