How to Conduct Your Own In-Depth 360º Feedback

by Jonathan London, Feedback Specialist  Feedback. It’s not a word that typically conjures up a ton of positive feelings. Throw “360º” in the mix, and many people’s eyes glaze over. But people don’t inherently dislike feedback. I ...

How to Leverage a New Insight

By Jonathan London If you’re in a leadership position in almost any organization, chances are you’ve attended your fair share of leadership development and teambuilding retreats. It’s not always easy to pry ourselves away from the ...

The Power of Seeing Ourselves from the Outside

By Jonathan London Do you really know how you come across to others? If you’re anything like me, you have some image in your mind of how people see you. Sometimes, the image is slightly better than the reality. Earlier today, I glanced ...

Nipping Dysfunction in the Bud: Attending Personal Mastery on the Cusp of Adulthood

by Jonathan London LaL’s flagship seminar, Personal Mastery, is a life-changing journey of self-reflection and discovery. Because of the transformational power of the seminar, it’s not uncommon to hear older participants, energized by ...

The Art of Receiving Unexpected Feedback

By Jonathan London In my blog post, “The Secret to Giving Transformational Feedback”, I discussed the role of conscious intention in giving direct, constructive feedback. Here, I explore the role of intention in receiving direct, ...

Are You a “Too-Much-In-The-Details” Boss?

As a long-time member of LaL’s 360º feedback team, I talk to a lot of folks about their bosses. At times, it’s very inspiring — a great boss can have a powerful impact on their direct reports and the overall culture of their ...

The Secret to Giving Transformational Feedback

Recently while I was collecting feedback from a colleague of a client as part of an in-depth 360º assessment, I was struck by something rare: The opinions she shared were unusually direct, detailed and thoughtful, yet clearly coming ...