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To forge resilient collaboration in your team?
The dynamic work of LaL gets at the heart of ingrained dysfunctions, unleashing the untapped potential of leaders, teams and organizations — reinvent how you lead!
Brandon Black CEOEncore Capital Group
Bruce Trachtenberg Executive DirectorCommunications Network
Daniel McDonald Director, Instrumentation & Controls Division, Chair, R&D Division Directors’ CaucusOak Ridge National Laboratory
David Peter Stroh Co-Founder, Innovation AssociatesCharter Member, SOL
Debra Meyerson, PhD Associate ProfessorSchool of Education and Business, Stanford University
Eric Levine CEOCalifornia Fitness
Felipe Walker Director of Customer OperationsLexis-Nexis
Jan Jaffe Senior DirectorFord Foundation
Jeff Bradach Managing Partner and Co-FounderBridgespan
Jeffrey Stiefler Former PresidentAmerican Express
Luis M. Viceira George E. Bates Professor, Senior Associate Dean for International DevelopmentHarvard Business School
Steve Macadam CEOEnpro Industries