Five Things Bosses Fear to Say that Would Help

By Shayne Hughes The work we do at LaL is a daily reminder that many well-intentioned leaders have it backwards when it comes to motivating employee engagement and productivity. It’s not as much about rigid structures, stiff upper lips ...

Ditching the Email Mindset for Greater Productivity

By Shayne Hughes It’s been three years since LaL did our no-email-for-a-week experiment and and NPR covered it. So I was surprised to get a call last week from for an article. Evidently, email – like a Chinese ...

A New Take on the “F” Word

 By Shayne Hughes What if setbacks were the birthplace of creativity and radical progress towards our goals instead of embarrassment to avoid at all cost? In my first article for The Good Men Project, I look at the taboo topic of ...

Are you acknowledging the Ray Rice inside of you?

By Shayne Hughes As a man, I found the video of Ray Rice hitting his wife deeply troubling. The fact that they were apparently screaming at each other, and she spit in his face right before he hit her, doesn’t excuse his violence. I’m ...

What does my childhood have to do with my leadership?

By Shayne Hughes “That’s just the way he is.” How many times have you heard or uttered that phrase? John is a risk-averse CFO, unwilling to make a decision without all the facts. Linda, in operations, is conflict-averse; everyone knows ...

What is Learning as Leadership?

By Shayne Hughes People often ask why we named our company “Learning as Leadership”. The key word is “learning”, which we all use but can find challenging to embody. Learning is not something confined to the classroom, or that I turn ...

Owning Mistakes Allows New Possibilities

By Shayne Hughes, CEO, Learning as Leadership “You don’t think I’m embarrassed having my wings clipped?!” Bill’s voice cracked as he spoke to the executive team. “Coming in here every day, knowing what I did?” The team fell silent as ...

Radio (NPR): Is technology interfering with your relationships?

  Listen to LaL President Shayne Hughes tell NPR’s Rachel Martin on Weekend Edition how technology impacts relationships and about his experiment banning internal email at LaL for a week.

Setting Limits to Others’ Anger

This blog post is the second in a series on anger. The previous post, “Damn, I just lost my temper again” delved into the difficulties of mastering our own anger. Below, I explore setting limits when others get angry with us or around ...

Love What’s Precious, Today

I have children in 4th and 2nd grade, so the Newtown elementary school massacre scared me more than other recent gun rampages. My boys go to a public elementary school in a “safe” neighborhood, and Newtown was an unnerving reminder ...