Do your best work — with others
This seminar is available to Personal Mastery graduates.
Despite how hard you work, do you have a nagging sense that you spend too much time in the tactical? That you’re not maximizing your impact? Building on the insights of Personal Mastery, discover how your ego — not your environment — distracts you from your most challenging priorities.
Become aware of the unconscious wall between you and your most important work — and break through it.
Whether with key stakeholders or your own team, you suspect there is untapped potential in your collaboration with others. Even your ‘good’ relationships would be more effective if you could more productively breach the most delicate issues, hard-to-hear feedback, and uncomfortable disagreements.
Identify and breakthrough your internal barriers to forging direct, honest and productive communication. Learn a set of tools to shift relationships that are tense or suboptimal and create environments of unparalleled trust and mutual accountability.
So many of us come home feeling depleted by the grind of the day. Perhaps it is a frustrating relationship, or a sense of obligation or pressure, or not sensing why our actions matter.
Infuse your life with the energy, creativity and enthusiasm that comes from breaking through your self-limiting behaviors, creating authentic relationships with others, and having your greatest impact.
YOUR NEXT LEVEL: Advanced Mastery challenges you to examine and overcome your most disruptive ego-driven reactions undermining your leadership capacity. Push the envelope in your ability to inspire these changes in others.
4-day seminar
Break through the internal walls preventing you from doing your best work. Create powerful collaborations based on trust and mutual accountability. Unleash excitement.
3 Coaching calls after the seminar
Translating your insights into day-to-day changes back home is where the rubber meets the road. Your trusted coach will help you anchor a learning mindset, which is key to your long-term self-improvement.