Jennifer Crocker, PhD
The One-Year Program allowed me to make a fundamental shift in my approach to my work as a university professor. As I took a hard look at my behavioral patterns, I realized that I spent a lot of my work life taking on jobs because they validated my standing and value, not because they were aligned with my real aspirations. I soon resented the time they took from what I considered to be my “real” work, and they became obligations rather than opportunities. LaL helped me clarify and recommit to what I want to contribute through my professional and personal goals, and this has renewed my energy and enthusiasm for my research and teaching.
My students have responded to my new attitude and approach with enthusiasm, and we are jointly creating seminars and research projects that we are deeply excited about.
Instead of complaining about problems at work, I am now committed to understanding my role in them and how I can co‐create the work environment and meaningful collegial relationships that I want. These transformations have also affected my personal life. My husband and I have begun to clarify our common goals, and the impact on our family relationships has been very positive.
As a social psychologist, I have been fascinated at the overlap between the teachings of LaL and the psychological research literature on people’s essential needs, the self‐esteem system and the circumstances that encourage true mastery and relatedness, rather than the illusion of competence and feelings of superiority. Not only are LaL’s teachings well grounded in empirical research, but they translate into concrete and lasting change.