Welcome to the Virtual Advanced Mastery Resource Portal. To support your continued learning, we’ve created a page where you can find electronic versions of all charts, guides, videos and other relevant resources.





Coaching Guidelines:

Seminar Tools:

Unconscious Time Management (UTM) chart

The purpose of this exercise:  Recognize how you unconsciously prioritize what you’re comfortable with over what’s most important. UTM can help you identify C- items, and the Power Hour is a good tool to make progress on those items.

When to use this chart:  When you find yourself procrastinating or avoiding particular items on your to do list, or as a weekly/biweekly to guide the way you allocate your time

Power Hour

The purpose of this exercise: Close your exit doors to make progress on your most important work.

When to use this chart:  When you find yourself procrastinating or avoiding particular items on your to do list.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (SFP) chart

The purpose of this exercise:  Recognize your contribution to the unsatisfying relationship dynamic and where you have leverage to improve it by seeing where you have built up baggage and judgments about the person, and how that is affecting the relationship.

When to use this chart: When you find yourself feeling stuck or dissatisfied in a 1:1 relationship or notice yourself having strong negative judgments of someone else.

Diversion chart

The purpose of this exercise:  Free yourself from the obsessive mindchatter or compulsive activity, thus saving time and energy, and instead identify the issue you were actually anxious about and need to spend time on.

When to use this chart: When you find yourself in a familiar loop of mindchatter or feel spun up (i.e., obsessing, perseverating, doing things compulsively, etc.)

Learning Frontier chart

Feedback Recentering Form

Difficult Feedback Prep chart

Pinch Sorting

The purpose of this exercise: We’ve created the Pinch Sorting chart to help you recenter and act from a creative place any time you feel At the Mercy.

When to use this chart: We can pinch ourselves quite a bit! Use this chart as often as possible to build the muscle of sorting your pinch. Turn moments that you feel At the Mercy into opportunities for introspection. By becoming clear about what’s actually going on, clarifying your activated Ego Drivers, and looking for other factors you may have previously missed; you can regain your creative agency instead of staying At the Mercy of your feelings toward yourself, others or the broader environment.

Pinch Sorting Instructions – Ego High

The purpose of this exercise: We’ve created the Ego Stroke Sorting chart to help you recenter when you feel a wave of high (different from a sense of accomplishment and gratitude) that will inevitably lead you to protect and promote your ego, and a space of competition with other people. 

When to use this chart: Use the “flash” process for fleeting moment of small high (e.g., someone pays a compliment, you get a small vindication,…) and the “express” process  for moment of significant high (e.g., getting a promotion, being publicly acknowledge by a power figure,…). Enjoying acknowledgment is not a counterproductive. To the contrary, it is a power moment of celebration and of reinforcing an impact that you are having or contributing to. However our ego can inflate our contribution to the point of excluding others, make us be at the mercy of the fear of losing that approval and put us on a treadmill to strive for more of it at the expense of our most important goal and the connect way that we want to pursue them. By sorting that stroke, you can allow yourself to appreciate the moment and reinforce your sense of purpose while keeping on track with the creating the context you want for yourself and others

Express Pinch Sorting

The purpose of this exercise: We’ve created the Express Pinch Sorting chart to help you quickly (in 5-8 min) recenter and act from a creative place any time you feel At the Mercy. This chart works for small pinches. If your state is not improving with this chart or if you know your pinch is more intense, use the full size Pinch Sorting chart.

When to use this chart: We can pinch ourselves quite a bit! Use this chart as often as possible to build the muscle of sorting your pinch. Turn moments that you feel At the Mercy into opportunities for introspection. By becoming clear about what’s actually going on, clarifying your activated Ego Drivers, and looking for other factors you may have previously missed; you can regain your creative agency instead of staying At the Mercy of your feelings toward yourself, others or the broader environment.

Global Vision chart

Homework and Going Home