Paul Grinberg
LaL has been incredibly helpful to me over the past few years as both a leader at work and with my family at home.
I have discovered that I was a person who avoided conflicts at all costs. This made it difficult for me to hold people accountable or for them to know where I really stood. I also realized how wedded I was to being right.
At our company, the top 20 leaders have gone through the executive program, we have cascaded the methodology down to another 100 or so. Since we’ve started this program, we’ve experienced significant results. As individuals, we have shifted from a space of needing to be right to finding the right answer, no matter who came up with it. We have open dialogues about what has hindered our ability to collaborate and how we can do things differently. Instead of viewing feedback as something that is dreaded and feared, we welcome it as a positive, learning opportunity. As a company, we have made incredible financial progress. Our revenues, cash flows and profits have more than doubled and our stock price, over the last year, outperformed our competitors and the S&P 500 by more than three times. Our work with LaL allowed us to focus on the things that mattered to grow our business profitably and not waste our time and efforts on turf warfare and interpersonal struggles.
My personal journey with LaL has helped me to clarify my personal and career goals. Had I not overcome my need to be right and my conflict avoidance, I know I could not be nearly as effective as I am today and the relationships I have with my colleagues and children would not be as productive and close.