Are you acknowledging the Ray Rice inside of you?

By Shayne Hughes As a man, I found the video of Ray Rice hitting his wife deeply troubling. The fact that they were apparently screaming at each other, and she spit in his face right before he hit her, doesn’t excuse his violence. I’m ...

Nipping Dysfunction in the Bud: Attending Personal Mastery on the Cusp of Adulthood

by Jonathan London LaL’s flagship seminar, Personal Mastery, is a life-changing journey of self-reflection and discovery. Because of the transformational power of the seminar, it’s not uncommon to hear older participants, energized by ...

How to Create Balance in Our Life

I’m lucky because my life is very balanced…    

What is Learning as Leadership?

By Shayne Hughes People often ask why we named our company “Learning as Leadership”. The key word is “learning”, which we all use but can find challenging to embody. Learning is not something confined to the classroom, or that I turn ...

Love What’s Precious, Today

I have children in 4th and 2nd grade, so the Newtown elementary school massacre scared me more than other recent gun rampages. My boys go to a public elementary school in a “safe” neighborhood, and Newtown was an unnerving reminder ...

Choosing the Quality of your Present Moment

Have you noticed how the people and situations in our life are sometimes — often!? — sources of stress and disconnection? The demands, the criticisms, the performance pressure. We can feel a lot of undesirable emotion about ...

Hyper-Responsiveness Isn’t Worthiness

In my last blog post, I discussed how discovering our unconscious drivers was key to getting rid of unwanted behaviors. In this post, I want to pick up where we left off and discuss another aspect of this, which is the degree to which ...

What’s Really Underneath Your Unwanted Behavior?

One of my clients is your typical type A, fast-paced, multi-tasking Vice President. He can’t sit still, and his electronic devices are constantly invading his work and home life — and he knows it. He prides himself on being organized ...