Multitasking: Public Enemy #1 of the Strategic Leader

Do you ever come to the end of a work day feeling spent, aware you’ve been slammed all day, putting out fires, responding to near-incessant demands, but still wonder what you really accomplished? You’re not alone. In “Multitasking: ...

How to Create Balance in Our Life

I’m lucky because my life is very balanced…    

LaL in Forbes!

Learning as Leadership goes to extremes to reduce internal emails — and lives to report the time-saving insights Is your organization’s internal email filling up your inbox? Did you just receive three more while reading ...

Choosing the Quality of your Present Moment

Have you noticed how the people and situations in our life are sometimes — often!? — sources of stress and disconnection? The demands, the criticisms, the performance pressure. We can feel a lot of undesirable emotion about ...

Does what’s most important end up in your calendar? (Part 2)

In the last blog, we looked at how our “Unconscious Time Management” prioritizes our calendar according to our Ego fears, not what is most meaningful to us. The flip side is also true: our Ego prioritizes what inflates it. Therefore ...

Understanding my Unconscious Time Management? (Part 1)

Since most of us are faced with an overwhelming amount of to-do’s every day, what is the most effective way to prioritize what ends up in our calendars?

Time Management Week Blog Post – Creating the Optimal Week

Did you know that February is officially National Time Management Month in the United States? Here at Learning as Leadership we thought we would do our part to celebrate by posting a two-part FAQ series with our COO Samantha Cooprider, ...

Hyper-Responsiveness Isn’t Worthiness

In my last blog post, I discussed how discovering our unconscious drivers was key to getting rid of unwanted behaviors. In this post, I want to pick up where we left off and discuss another aspect of this, which is the degree to which ...

Who Defines Strategic?

When asked to step up to the next level and be more strategic, many managers worry because they often don’t know what that means, how to do it or what it looks like. They’re intimidated by an image in their minds of visionaries like ...

Don’t Let Your Ego Manage Your Time

Typically when we think about time management we focus on the structural aspect of time - the practical and organizational implementation of how we manage our paperwork, files and to-dos. What we don’t often recognize is the impact of our unconscious behaviors and beliefs on our ability to be productive.  Here are three behavioral aspects of time management that undermine even the best-intentioned time management structures.