The Gift of Communication

Dear LAL clients, Before letting you enjoy “The gift of communication”, we want to thank you with all our heart. Another amazing year of trust, collaboration and learning with you! We continue doing this tough yet rewarding work of ...

The Courage to Lead Culture Change

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker   Creating change is an act of courage. In this month’s issue of Fortune magazine, former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz is quoted saying to incumbent CEO Marissa Mayer, faced with ...

LaL in Forbes!

Learning as Leadership goes to extremes to reduce internal emails — and lives to report the time-saving insights Is your organization’s internal email filling up your inbox? Did you just receive three more while reading ...

Damn! I Just Lost my Temper Again

There it was, out of my mouth before I knew I felt it. The morning routine had been rolling along fine until I brought up yesterday’s lost lunch box – yet another! – and my son complained with a whine that he didn’t know where it was. ...

What Happened to Summer Vacation?

I’m noticing a disturbing trend among my clients. Several I spoke to recently had not taken a single day off the entire summer. Nada. These are high-level leaders, with plenty of “use it or lose it” vacation time banked. Technically ...

The Right Mindset for Success (and following your passion, and inspiring your people)

This week we want to share with you a fascinating interview HBR conducted with Carol Dweck, professor at Stanford University and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success in early 2012. Here’s the link to the 15 min podcast ...

Overcoming Ego Obstacles to Mentoring Others (Part II)

This week we dive deeper into the ways in which you as a leader may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself when it comes to developing your employees and transform you into a mentor who your employees will clamor for! In my previous post ...

The Courage to Fail — Publicly

Gandhi is a larger than life figure — revered for his rousing movement of civil disobedience. He and his peaceful followers are credited with bringing down British control of India when no amount of violence could have. But did you ...

Choosing the Quality of your Present Moment

Have you noticed how the people and situations in our life are sometimes — often!? — sources of stress and disconnection? The demands, the criticisms, the performance pressure. We can feel a lot of undesirable emotion about ...