Does what’s most important end up in your calendar? (Part 2)

In the last blog, we looked at how our “Unconscious Time Management” prioritizes our calendar according to our Ego fears, not what is most meaningful to us. The flip side is also true: our Ego prioritizes what inflates it. Therefore ...

Understanding my Unconscious Time Management? (Part 1)

Since most of us are faced with an overwhelming amount of to-do’s every day, what is the most effective way to prioritize what ends up in our calendars?

Feature Article in Diversity Executive Magazine: How Do Others See You?

   Diversity Executive Magazine just featured an article by CEO Shayne Hughes on how Desired and Dreaded Images (our concerns regarding how others view us) impact Diversity Officers. This insightful article is applicable to all ...

Changing Limiting Behaviors

Welcome to our ongoing series of FAQ blogs about the core principles of LaL’s methodology. In this FAQ, CEO Shayne Hughes discusses what prevents us from changing behaviors that don’t serve our goals. Q. Most people know the pain of ...

Overcoming Ego Obstacles to Mentoring Others

I’ve coached hundreds of leaders, almost all of whom tell me they need to do a better job mentoring and developing the people who work for them. The problem is, that despite their desire to mentor, they often don’t feel they can invest ...

The Power of Vulnerability

LaL executive coach Marc-Andre Olivier explores the power we gain by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in the workplace. It was the standard CEO kick-off speech launching our WeLead training program. My client (the CEO) came in and ...

Ego-Free Leadership

Welcome to the next installment of an ongoing series of FAQ blogs about the core principles of LaL’s methodology. In this FAQ, CEO Shayne Hughes looks at the ego and its impact on leadership. In the executive coaching I do as part of ...

Time Management Week Blog Post – Creating the Optimal Week

Did you know that February is officially National Time Management Month in the United States? Here at Learning as Leadership we thought we would do our part to celebrate by posting a two-part FAQ series with our COO Samantha Cooprider, ...

Why Venting Is A Trust Buster

I recently worked with a leadership team who had a history of triangulation and venting. They decided that in order to accomplish their organization’s objectives, they needed to have greater trust and transparency among them. This type ...

The ROI of Leadership – 3 Steps to Measuring Your Worth as a Leader

How do you measure your worth as a leader? I coach a lot of leaders who express concerns that they don’t know how to measure their contributions to the organization and their people. They worry they’ve become one of “those” people at ...