Do You Know These Three Different Parts Of Your Brain?

There are more neurons in our brains than stars in the Milky Way, and nobody fully understands how our brains really work. Still, as the statistician George E. P. Box wrote, “all models are wrong, but some are useful.” So, ...

A White Man’s Racial Stereotypes

I stared at the piece of paper in front of me, taken aback by how insightful and obvious my notes were. Learning as Leadership had organized a race and gender dialogue conference, and seven of the participants were gathered in a ...

Hyper-Responsiveness Isn’t Worthiness

In my last blog post, I discussed how discovering our unconscious drivers was key to getting rid of unwanted behaviors. In this post, I want to pick up where we left off and discuss another aspect of this, which is the degree to which ...

What’s Really Underneath Your Unwanted Behavior?

One of my clients is your typical type A, fast-paced, multi-tasking Vice President. He can’t sit still, and his electronic devices are constantly invading his work and home life — and he knows it. He prides himself on being organized ...

Who Defines Strategic?

When asked to step up to the next level and be more strategic, many managers worry because they often don’t know what that means, how to do it or what it looks like. They’re intimidated by an image in their minds of visionaries like ...

Ego Hijacking!

Late one night last week, an executive whom I coach sent out an irate email. The following morning as he logged on to find a flurry of “reply all’s” flying around the corporate space in response, he came to regret his ...

Don’t Let Your Ego Manage Your Time

Typically when we think about time management we focus on the structural aspect of time - the practical and organizational implementation of how we manage our paperwork, files and to-dos. What we don’t often recognize is the impact of our unconscious behaviors and beliefs on our ability to be productive.  Here are three behavioral aspects of time management that undermine even the best-intentioned time management structures.

Procrastinating on Uncomfortable Conversations

Note: This post is the final in a four part series. In this final post of the series on emotional clarity as a pathway to self-discipline, we’ll examine how these tools can help leaders breakthrough the most common form of ...

Learning Leads to Self-Discipline

In last week’s post, we examined the power of using the emotional clarity of contribution to move beyond our fears and find a higher purpose for taking action.  This week, we explore the other tool for emotional clarity: learning goals. In previous posts, I’ve been discussing my resistance to writing a book as an example of how emotional clarity can lead to discipline. This week, I’d like to offer up a different example to highlight the importance of learning goals: My role as CEO of LaL.

Breaking Through the Other Glass Ceiling – Your Ego!

A recent McKinsey report quoted in the Wall Street Journal states that only 11 chief executives of Fortune 500 companies are women, down from a peak of 15 in 2010. Likewise, in her TED talk (see video below) Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg enumerates the woeful lack of women in top positions around the globe.  Sandberg places some of the responsibility for this on women themselves, rather than on external forces such as sexism. She says, "Women systemically underestimate their own abilities."