Finding Your Groove in Giving Performance Reviews

By Filaree Radich “It’s that time again. Ugh.” In a recent coaching call, one of my clients expressed a familiar dissatisfaction. It was performance review time, and he had several performance reviews to prepare. He was concerned that ...

Owning Mistakes Allows New Possibilities

By Shayne Hughes, CEO, Learning as Leadership “You don’t think I’m embarrassed having my wings clipped?!” Bill’s voice cracked as he spoke to the executive team. “Coming in here every day, knowing what I did?” The team fell silent as ...

Vulnerability Does Not Equal Weakness

I work with many clients who had to be tough to succeed. Whether they’ve had to overcome challenging life circumstances to get where they are or they grew up in a “normal” household, many people I coach did not become successful by ...

Make your own cartoon tool to succeed at work!

Being clear on who we are and what we have to do at work is indispensable to keep our ego-system in check, to cultivate a learning mindset and to operate from a place of peace of mind for the greater benefit of our team and ...

Are You a “Too-Much-In-The-Details” Boss?

As a long-time member of LaL’s 360º feedback team, I talk to a lot of folks about their bosses. At times, it’s very inspiring — a great boss can have a powerful impact on their direct reports and the overall culture of their ...

Radio (NPR): Is technology interfering with your relationships?

  Listen to LaL President Shayne Hughes tell NPR’s Rachel Martin on Weekend Edition how technology impacts relationships and about his experiment banning internal email at LaL for a week.

Setting Limits to Others’ Anger

This blog post is the second in a series on anger. The previous post, “Damn, I just lost my temper again” delved into the difficulties of mastering our own anger. Below, I explore setting limits when others get angry with us or around ...

The Secret to Giving Transformational Feedback

Recently while I was collecting feedback from a colleague of a client as part of an in-depth 360º assessment, I was struck by something rare: The opinions she shared were unusually direct, detailed and thoughtful, yet clearly coming ...

Why do our clients LOVE receiving feedback?!

At Learning as Leadership, January is an intensive month for delivering 360° feedback to the participants coming to the February Personal Mastery workshop. I personally love this feedback delivery process and I think that, despite an ...

Love What’s Precious, Today

I have children in 4th and 2nd grade, so the Newtown elementary school massacre scared me more than other recent gun rampages. My boys go to a public elementary school in a “safe” neighborhood, and Newtown was an unnerving reminder ...